AIoT smart manufacturing for SME

While "sembang AIoT" We celebrate Malaysia Day Challenges with SME in the implementing Smart Manufacturing This weekly live session, we shared some challenges faced by the SME in the IR4 journey and solutions to it followed by Vision AI application in a non intrusive analogue meter reading where in some cases, this solution is needed with least man power involvement and less error created by the human in the data collection.Industry 4.0 (IR4) represents the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by a range of new technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, augmented reality, and more. While these technologies have the potential to transform manufacturing processes, SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) manufacturers face specific challenges in their IR4 journey:High Initial Investment: Deploying state-of-the-art technologies often requires significant financial outlay, which can be prohibitive for SMEs. This includes the costs of acquiring, installing, and maintaining new machinery and software.Skills and Expertise: Implementing and maintaining IR4 technologies require specialized skills. SMEs may...
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