How to choose the right camera for your AI application in smart manufacturing?

Axiomtek AI starter kit supports USB webcam, IPCAM, and GENICAM compliance vision camera. But how do we know which camera is suitable for our AI application?  To answer this question, we need to understand the characteristic of these cameras.A USB webcam is a camera that connects to a computer through a USB cable. USB webcams are compatible with a variety of operating systems including Windows, Mac, Linux, and even some gaming systems like the Sony PlayStation but please double-check the camera datasheet if you are developing your AI application in Linux. USB webcams are generally used for multi-person meetings, video chats, online teaching, etc. Therefore, examples of AI applications that use USB webcam are human/object detection and face recognition. Most of the USB webcam support autofocus, which means the USB webcam will automatically adjust the camera focus when the object is out of focus. But sometimes we might experience the USB webcam cannot focus on the object very well. The...
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Configure the DIO of Axiomtek EBOX640-521-FL with Python

Configure the DIO of Axiomtek EBOX640-521-FL with Python

DIO stands for Digital Input/Output. It is a hardware device that receives or sends digital signals. Examples of applications that use DIO are alarms, control relays, fans, lights, horns, valves, motor starters, solenoids, etc. Recently I wrote a Python binding for the Axiomtek BSP to configure the DIO of EBOX, so that my AI program that runs on Python is able to control PLC through DIO. Some industrial PC required users to enable and configure the DIO in BIOS first, but EBOX640-521-FL does not require users to enter BIOS to enable and configure DIO. Figure 1 shows the DIO pin number of EBOX based on Axiomtek BSP. /*! elementor - v3.6.6 - 08-06-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Figure 1: The DIO pin number of EBOX based on Axiomtek BSP Step 0: Install the Axiomtek BSP (with Python bindings)Please contact us to get a copy of this Python version Axiomtek BSP. The Axiomtek BSP that you found online only supports C code. Then...
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OpenVPN Tunneling in Axiomtek AI Starter Kit

Let say we want to send the AI data from the factory back to a PC in headquarter, there are few methods to do this. The simplest method is using some remote login software like Anydesk or Teamviewer to transfer the data but users need to do this manually and the format of data must be a file. The second method is users can subscribe to a cloud service like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Amazon Web Service (AWS), then use reverse SSH tunneling to transfer the data. But this method required the user to possess computer networking knowledge because the user need to set up the cloud service and configure the firewall of the cloud service to enable certain SSH ports. The third method is to use Virtual Private Network (VPN) to link these private subnets together. There is a lot of VPN service available e.g., OpenVPN, Hotspot Shield, NordVPN, etc. In this example, I will show you how...
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